Monday, December 22
is all belief
[singapore. ]
a girl among christmas decorations set up on a square outside a mall.
now tell me, is all belief make-believe?
santa or god, the love of your life or your coming promotion. tell me, how are they different?
but we must always make-believe, to have in our lives, as our lives, a little more than bricks and mortar, toothbrushes and suits.
Labels sights on the side, singapore08, wonderment
through the square, past the wall, across the threshold, into the next
[ singapore. boon lay food court]
was sitting there waiting for the other to return to the table, all around was chatter, noise, consumption, motion. a convenient outpost set in a blank wall, half bodies moving, making, giving, in a continuous captivating production. one in uniform would flit to the post, picking up and taking away, a well-practiced manoevre, a confident assignment. warm sustenance appears, swooped up for its destination, nameless, one of many.
so was the inside, one of many. concentrate. and each was an individual amongst many. hands, hips, waists moved to different beats, but all keeping within the same rhythm- making, moving, giving.
and the uniformed making their rounds.
the other returned, and those not to be seen receded.
sustenance magically appears. and all that mattered, and very lovely indeed, was one's chatter, noise, consumption, motion.
Labels fringes, photos, singapore08