Tuesday, June 12


the note anticipated that 'something very radical is about to happen'.
so begins the backward trawl through the weave of -
/people, peoples, individuals
/confirmations and revelations
/visual impressions
/connecting miscellany.


[fatimah restaurant. ventiane] this constant negotiation between the implicit faith and concrete practical, the innocent young and hardened old, the rarified and the common.

[nong duang sec. ventiane] reaching across.

[vang vieng.] quiet presence of nature, and the tangle of communications that goes on beneath it.

[patouxai monument. ventiane] the depths and heights of these individuals.

[peanut market. ventiane] with only what is of the earth and a weighing scale to translate its worth- metaphor of the most basic transactions between people. ?.

:: [ LAOS ]

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