occasionally, the inverse occurs, and mere words string together to invoke disparate thoughts, melding together and calling forth ideas, then teasing out the past -or suggesting a future, finally tumbling into a blossom of images.
a reverse photo-thought like that seems all the more potent, a final birth from vague concepts to concrete reality,
except that that reality only exists in a poignant 2D etch.
and invariably almost, thoughts of individuals, disparate through time and space, conjure up ideas of the bonds among, and in between.
[germany. berlin]
and a favourite appears again. an unassuming stranger who whips out those love-glasses at the last moment, and rather gleefully agrees to having his picture taken.
interesting ad in the back ground.
[germany. berlin]
/ lucky I'm in love with my best friend
/ lucky to have been where I have been
[thailand. nongkhai]
looking across to laos, and people since then.
/ lucky we're in love every way
/ lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
/ lucky to be coming home someday
-jason mraz
Tuesday, October 28
do you hear me, talking to you.
Labels heart, nongkhai, sounds, thailand08