Thursday, January 17

to seek.

O.E. secan "visit, inquire, pursue," influenced by O.N. soekja, both from P.Gmc. *sokjanan (cf. O.S. sokian, O.Fris. seka, M.Du. soekan, O.H.G. suohhan, Ger. suchen, Goth. sokjan), from PIE *sag- "to track down, to trace" (cf. L. sagire "to perceive quickly or keenly," sagus "presaging, predicting," O.Ir. saigim "seek"). The modern form of the word as uninfluenced by O.N. is in beseech.
The religious sect of the Seekers is attested from 1645.
c.1175, bisecen "to beseech, beg urgently," from be- + M.E. secen "to seek

[burma. inle -all photos in this post by gabrielle bertier]

the means with which we conduct our investigations.

graceful dome, uncanny symmetry-
an astonishing work by nature.

how can one still believe in randomness when the most impersonal of all shows such calculated cunning?

uniforms and aculturation make all the same-
so does love and affection.

and we grow into
that which we learn?
what do we learn.

while searching for the light, will we, blind and small as we are, rush right by it;
does it blind us, whence we still cannot take on its glory and might?

"... god almighty wont remain almighty if people knows how he looks like.
god might be so mighty that he'll blow your socks off... "

[laos. ]
end the day exhausted.
the night won't offer respite:
one's ignorance is either temporary
- then brace yourself for the liminal test-
or death- in which you've lost at the grand game of life.
(eternally looking for something more,

until it is found.)

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